Using Natural Light to Improve Your Personal Zen Space


Using Natural Light to Improve Your Personal Zen Space

According to the Mayo Clinic, meditation can improve your sleep quality, reduce stress levels, lower your heart rate and blood pressure and bring many other benefits. Having a zen-like space at home gives you access to all the goodness meditation brings, no matter what meditation practice you use.

Finding extra space for your meditation is possible, and Maryland Sunrooms can help. We recommend choosing a space with natural light and access to nature.

Using Natural Light to Improve Your Personal Zen Space

Creating a zen room in a sunroom can be ideal for many reasons:

  • It’s a chance for a dedicated zen space: Skip getting distracted by work in your home office when meditating or moving boxes aside in a spare room to sit Zazen.
  • With a sunroom, relaxation is always only steps away: Creating a consistent meditation practice is easier when you can always step into your meditation studio.
  • A sunroom lets you use light as part of your practice: You can meditate in the morning light, evening or even at night to find the right conditions for relaxation and focus.
  • A sunroom is a safe way to meditate: In a quality sunroom from Maryland Sunrooms, you can enjoy privacy and protection from UV rays while getting the sun’s benefits.

Once you have a meditation room for your practice, make it a special space. You can fill it with pillows for comfortable sitting, chimes, plants, an indoor water foundation and other fixtures that make you feel at peace.

How Maryland Sunrooms Can Help

Creating a dedicated sun-filled meditation space is as simple as calling Maryland Sunrooms. We build gorgeous, year-round sunrooms that add value and functionality to your home.

If you’re looking for a meditation spot, Maryland Sunrooms is an excellent choice because our glass allows for photosynthesis for your plants and gives you access to Vitamin D from the sun while keeping UV rays out. Your skin and plants stay protected, and any delicate fabrics in your meditation space are safe from fading while you still enjoy the pleasure of meditating in the sun.

Maryland Sunrooms delivers outstanding customer service and an industry-leading lifetime warranty on labor. We take care of it all, from inspections to permits. We’ve worked with the same top architectural engineer for decades, so we can assure you about the quality of every sunroom. As a Four Seasons Sunrooms Dealer, we can bring you the top sunrooms in the business.

Create the Perfect Sunroom for Relaxation With Us

If you’re in the Baltimore area or the surrounding area and are looking for a special meditation room, contact Maryland Sunrooms for a free design consultation to see how beautiful your new space could be.